Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati

Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati
City Guwahati , Assam, India
Locality Joypur
Established 1922
Affiliated to Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Guwahati
Address Joypur, Kharghuli
Guwahati - 781004, Assam, India

Phone +91 9435648453 / 9435199140 + 91 8638661513 / 9706878369
Email [email protected]
Website Visit Website
Affiliations / Important Links: All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi

Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati was established in the year 1922, Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati is affiliated to Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Guwahati

Admission Notices

    The Don Bosco Institute of Management is a pioneering business school in Assam and the entire Northeast Region for graduate studies offering an integrated and diversified MBA program. It provides individuals with requisite qualities and skills, a supportive environment in which they can harness and further strengthen their skills and aptitudes, helping them to reach there personal, professional and social goals.

    Don Bosco Institute of Management is a project of the Salesians of Don Bosco, pioneers in Education, Cultural Heritage and Human Resources Development in North East India, since 1922 and is designed and executed as a centre for Human Development, Leadership and Training, by Don Bosco Youth Mission & Educational Services DBYES, Guwahati.

    Established with a mission to nurture dreams and shape lives, to awaken latent potential, and stoke the passion for excellence, Don Bosco Institute of Management opens new horizons of opportunity for the young people of the North East.

    The Don Bosco Institute of Management is a pioneering business school in Assam and the entire Northeast Region for graduate studies offering an integrated and diversified MBA program. It provides individuals with requisite qualities and skills, a supportive environment in which they can harness and further strengthen their skills and aptitudes, helping them to reach there personal, professional and social goals.

    Don Bosco Institute of Management has a primary objective to impart higher education to the young minds with a sense of sincerity and humanity in them so that they enable to focus on the issues of the economy and implement their innovations to resolve them. The excellent infrastructure of the institute motivates the students to encourage their skills and build their confidence to cope-up with every situation they face in global world.

    Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati offers various graduate courses as well as Post Graduate courses.

    Masters Degree Courses

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Don Bosco Institute of Management (DBIM), Guwahati offers 2 Years Full Time Masters Degree in Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree
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    Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati is affiliated to Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Guwahati.

    Click here to browse Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Guwahati Examination Results


    Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati is affiliated to Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Guwahati. Browse Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Guwahati Time Tables


    List of facilities available at Don Bosco Institute Of Management DBIM, Guwahati for students.

      Generations of past students, both male and female, are proud to be known and enjoy maintaining their connection with the college and each other. Please write to [email protected] with link of existing almuni group, or request for creation of group.