RBSE Class 10th Sanskrit Syllabus
RBSE Class 10th Sanskrit Syllabus

RBSE Class 10  Sanskrit Syllabus 2023: In this article, you can view and download the whole Sanskrit syllabus of RBSE Class 10th with the course content, course structure and the division of marks.

Sanskrit is one of the various third language courses offered by the Board of State Education, Rajasthan. RBSE also offers Urdu (course code 72) Gujarati (course code 73) Sindhi ( course code 74) and Punjabi (course code 75) along with the compulsory English and Hindi papers.  

RBSE Class 10  Sanskrit Syllabus 2023: Rajasthan Board of State Education publishes its annual syllabus for each course to help students know what the curriculum entails. The board has updated this year’s syllabus which are all available on the board’s website at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in.

RBSE Class 10th Sanskrit Syllabus

You can also view the syllabus contents in the article. 

माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड , राजस्थान, अजमेर 

परीक्षा २०२३ के लिए निर्धारित पाठ्यक्रम 

विषय- संस्कृत ( तृतीय भाषा )

विषय कोड – 71 

कक्षा -10 

इस विषय में एक प्रश्न- पत्र होगा जिसकी परीक्षा योजना निम्नानुसार है | 

प्रश्न पत्र  01 

समय ( घंटे ) 03.15

प्रश्न पत्र के लिए अंक  80

सत्रांक 20

पूर्णांक 100