
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar

Department of Education

Department of Education

The Department of Education is a beehive of academic activities from its inception in 1953. The building of the Department of Education was inaugurated by the eminent Philosopher and Former President of India Dr.S.Radhakrishnan on 26th December 1955. The Department offers B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., and D.Litt courses. All the Teacher Education Programmes are recognized by the NCTE. The members of the faculty (Professors (5), Associate Professors (4), Assistant Professors (14), Programmer (1)) keep in constant touch with the latest developments in the field of education as visualized by various Education Commissions and National Polices on Education, in order to face with confidence the challenges of education in the dynamic technological world and become a global centre of excellence.

Courses Offered :

=> Bachellor of Education (B.Ed.)
=> Master of Education (M.Ed.)
=> M.Phil. (Education)
=> Ph.D. (Education)

Facilities :

=> Class Rooms-Hand Held Public Address System, Collar MIC, Podium with Built in Audio System.
=> Internet connectivity and WiFi facilities for Staff rooms and Computer Lab.
=> Hi-Tech Hall with LCD and Interactive Board
=> Research Scholar Room
=> R.O Water Plant for Staff and Students
=> Waiting Hall for Women students
=> Guidance and Counseling Room
=> Sports Room and
=> SUPW Room

Laboratories :

=> Psychology Laboratory
=> Educational Technology Laboratory
=> Physical Science Laboratory
=> Natural Science Laboratory
=> Social Science Laboratory
=> Computer Laboratory


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