List of articles for medical education in India

List of articles related to medical education in India

  • Career opportunities in the Apparel Sector

    What after class 12th? Which course to pursue after 12thto become employable? What are the career options for me after 12th? Can I pursue my career without higher education? These are a few common questions every student has in his mind after passing out from school. The confusion regarding career, job opportunities, and different courses prevail among the students. To be honest, these queries are universal andyou are not alone having such doubts.
    Published on June 20, 2022
  • Bright Career In Cosmetology

    Bright Career In Cosmetology

    The career opportunity in the field of cosmetology is highly demanded as everyone in this world wants to look good and attractive and the cosmetologists are the people who help them achieve their desire. A career in cosmetology can take to a variety of professions in the beauty industry. Cosmetology is the study of beauty treatment. It is the medical science which focuses on making people look good. Cosmetology consists of many branches which include treatments for face, hair, body, beauty therapy and overall health care.
    Published on December 29, 2016
  • Career Prospects as an Fire Fighter

    Career Prospects as an Fire Fighter

    Firefighters are one of the most daring and challenging professions which need carefulness and lots of commitment to do the work flawlessly. It uses the principles of Engineering and sciences to defend people from risky scenarios. Firefighters also teach them how to live and safeguard others from unhelpful significances of smoke and fire. Firefighters do design and mounting of the fire system which helps them to diminish the consequences of fire. They also enforce the system so that any unhelpful scenes can be escaped. This field deals with the avoidance of fire.
    Published on August 23, 2016
  • Participating Institutes for AMMI MBA/MMS CET 2015

    Association Management MBA MMS Institutes Common Entrance Test (AMMI MBA/MMS CET) Institute Names => Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon => Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya, Department of Research and P.G. Studies in Science and Management, Amt => Harikisan Jajoo Education Sanstha, College of Management and Computer Science => P. R. Pote (Patil) Education & Welfare Trust's Group of Institution, College of => P. R. Patil College of Engineering & Technology. => Chaitanya Bahu Uddeshiya Sanstha's Institute of Management Studies, Amravati
    Published on June 8, 2015
  • Career in Digital Electronics by Dr. Pawan Whig

    Career in Digital Electronics by Dr. Pawan Whig

    We live in a world where the “digital” dominates. Everything is controlled by the digital. Mobile phones are a perfect example of digital electronics. The application of digital electronics in our lives is undeniably huge and varied. From the heart of a patient to the heart of a car, the digital electronics dominate .The modern pacemaker that uses electrical impulses to regulate the beating of the heart consists of an extremely sophisticated digital part along with an analog part. This digital part consists of a micro controller and some memory.
    Published on February 3, 2015
  • Career in Nanotechnology by Dr. Pawan Whig

    Career in Nanotechnology by Dr. Pawan Whig

    Nanotechnology is the science of ‘miniature’. Nanotechnology is the engineering of working systems at the molecular level. Due to its advancement in technological area, Nanotechnology is the upcoming field which interests many people. It is the science of the future which includes innovations that can change the world. From the clothes and sunglasses we wear to computer hard drives and even cleaning products, nanotechnology – often inspired by the natural
    Published on January 15, 2015
  • Participation versus involvement of Employees

    Participation versus involvement of Employees

    We have been hearing phrases like Management by participation and Total Employee
    Published on August 26, 2013
  • Career in Defence Services

    Career in Defence Services

    Career in Defence Services - By Commander NK Natarajan (Retd)
    Published on July 18, 2013
  • Power Napping at Work Increases Productivity

    Power Napping at Work Increases Productivity

    Power Napping at Work Increases Productivity Gone are the days when boss may fire you or your reputation will get affected if they find you sleeping at your desk. At a growing number of multi-nationals and corporates across the country, short sleep on the job is considered a good thing. As the sleep experts have also applauded this theory, infact, the employers are encouraging the construction of a dorm room at their workplace.
    Published on July 2, 2013
  • Career in Forest Service in Tripura

    Career in Forest Service in Tripura

    Career in Forest Service in Tripura Tripura is north eastern state of India. Tripura shares a large border with Bangadesh. Tripura also shares its border with Indian states such as Assam. Tripura is connected to India through National Highway number 44. Tripura is also the third smallest state of India.
    Published on February 22, 2013

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