List of All Colleges In Alappuzha, Kerala

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Alappuzha also known as Alleppey, is a city in Alappuzha District of Kerala state. It is the administrative headquarters of Alappuzha District. Average literacy rate of Alappuzha in 2011 were 95.72 compared to 93.43 of 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 97.36 and 94.24 respectively. Education in Alappuzha got a boost with the development of many computer institutes and colleges all over the district. Alappuzha holds a distinct position in Kerala in terms of literacy rate. Colleges in Alappuzha offer both graduate and post graduate courses for their students. Some of the colleges in Alappuzha are College of Engineering,CUCEK[Cochin University College of Engineering Kuttanad],SD College, SN College, N.S.S. College, College of Engineering and Management etc.
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