About the Department : - The department was established in 1963. The department is at present headed by Professor. VISTAS IN MATHEMATICS : - The lecture series "VISTAS IN MATHEMATICS" will span several important themes in Mathematics as a part of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of the University of Mumbai. Dr. Vijay Khole will inaugurate the series at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, the 11th October, 2006 at Marathi Bhasha Bhavan, Vidyanagari Campus, University of Mumbai.
Read moreUniversity Department of Life Sciences (UDLSc) was initiated in 1981 with a view to promote an integrated approach to teaching and research in all areas of Modern Biology. Since 1987, it has been functioning in the present premises (University Campus) at Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098. UDLSc is the sole Post-graduate teaching and research Department of the University representing all areas of Modern Biology. Various eminent Scientists and Academicians such as Professor Y.I. Shethna, Professor A.R. Kulkarni, Professor P. Narayanan, Professor D.A. Bhiwgade and Professor. U.S.
Read moreThe area studies programme on Africa was established in 1971-72 by the University Grants Commission as part of its efforts to develop Area Studies Programme at the Indian University level. The main thrust of the centre is research though it conducts postgraduate teaching . Centre offers to the aspiring students full eight papers M.A. degree in African Studies, along with combination degree with other social science disciplines. The centre has a young faculty devoted to research in their respective disciplines and respective areas .
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